Creating Retro Effects Using Embedded Technology
Retro will never die. Just when it reaches the verge of dying, something comes out of the blue and gives it a new lease of life. Take music for example. There is so much artificial synthesizer music around that many people have started missing the old days when they used to hear music on phonographs. Many smartphones (like the Galaxy S4 and Note 8.0) also have applications for creating retro pictures.
But retro sounds are not easily available. So what do you do, if you need retro sounds for a project you are working on? It is highly unlikely that any big music companies will give you access to their intellectual property. Your only option is to turn to hobbyist embedded developers like Jamie Robertson at Robertsonics. He has designed an embedded audio player capable of blending and playing up to 14 sounds at once.
Some people actually look forward to the clicks and coughs emitted by their old devices when they crank it up. For them, it is a beautiful memory of a bygone era. But what do you do when you want to use such sounds on your project? Again, the task falls on an embedded developer. Jamie’s embedded sound effects card has come as a relief for many people who work with sounds as a hobby but don’t like synthesizers.